"The aim of life is to LIVE, and to live means to be AWARE, joyously, drunkenly, serenly, divinely AWARE."
- Miller

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tam Biet Vietnam

"The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they really are."
Samuel Johnson

Ha Noi, Halong Bay, Sapa

There's an endearing phrase used by the Vietnamese people that we found to be most apropos, "Same same...but different". Although the north and the south like to think that they are very different we found...

Both love their Pho and each region thinks theirs is the best, we think they're both yummy. Same same......

Each area has their local specialties but they all use rice to make just about everything. Same same....

Up north in Halong Bay people live on the water just like they do in the south on the Mekong. Same same....

Sapa and Hoi An are both charming villages where women make clothes, one sews and the other embroideries. Same same....

Rice is grown all over Vietnam, on flat land in the south and mountain sides in the north. Same same....

It's hot in the south and cooler in the north but humid in both. Same same...

Both have their own beer with very creative names to match. "Saigon" is king of beer in the south and "Hanoi" rules in the north. Same same...

There are more motorbikes in Ho Chi Minh and more cars in Ha Noi but incessant honking and traffic in both. same, same but not different.

We had an excellent time exploring the north part of Vietnam. In Hanoi, the capital city, we spent the majority of our time wandering through the old quarter. We toured the "Hanoi Hilton" where John McCain spent most of his time as a POW. Carin managed to get hit by a motor bike, don't worry the bike was fine. We sat with the locals on the little red kiddie stools enjoying the street food and ended each day at Fanny's the local ice cream parlor. Never got to see Ho Chi Minh, rumor had it he was in Russia with Mao. Needing a break from the city noise we boarded a Chinese Junk for a relaxing few days cruising, kayaking and caving on Halong Bay. Spectacular! Sapa, our final destination is where we visited the minority hill tribes. We took a two day trek with a our local 20 year old Black Hmong guide up through the rice terraces that cover the mountain side, did a home stay with a local family where we played Uno and did many shots of home made rice wine with our host, yes Carin too, and can't remember the rest. Before heading back we spent the morning at the incredible Bac Ha market, unlike any market we have been to so far.... At this market you could purchase a live water buffalo, pig, chicken, fighting rooster, puppy (we think for a pet, not sure) and the usual or in this case unusual food stuff. This is where the young girls from the surrounding hill tribes, dressed in the most stunning attire come each Sunday to, as we say, Hook Up. They seem to be pretty successful as most of the women have babies strapped to their backs. We would have loved to shown you this and all of Sapa's amazing color, but due to a technical glitch our pictures are locked on the memory card. Help!


- Erik The food is even more delicious than it looks. Save your money and you can come here and try it for yourself.
- Mom Keep the comments coming. Maybe Skyping is in our future.
- Ricky & Liz Now that your seasoned travelers it's time to try Asia. No worries Liz the food is basically gluten free.
- Mike D If your getting a little itchy to do some more traveling Asia is the place to go. We think it might be less expensive than Mexico with a lot more young travelers. All look like their having a blast sharing adventures.
- Marcia We're at a loss, you didn't have Laos in your travel notes.
- An, Ed, Nicole, Sue & Dani, our soon to be traveling companions. Leave your worries behind and let the adventure begin.
- J&H our arms are ready, can't wait to have them filled.


  1. The pictures were truly amazing!!! Those last few look just like paintings and were seriously breath taking. I won't say much more because I can tell you how I feel IN PERSON in 6 days!!!!! LOVES
    P.S. I am so ready to fill those arms

  2. Mom got hit by a motorbike, Dad laughed hysterically...same, same

    Now I understand the request for UNO cards, will be be having rice wine shots as well? Dad will start rubbing his eyes...same,same

    As always, love the blog, love the quote, love the pictures, love everything but especially YOU! I can't even wait to be there (i've already started packing, in typical Jess style). Hugs and kisses and lots of love

  3. you bring the world right to us with your words and photos.
    can't wait to see the ones locked on the memory card.
    the sun, shadows and water photo is divine.
    may your time with jess and hannah be the best, best, best.
    we light candles in your honor for now and the coming new year.
    sending you so much love, can you feel it?

  4. beautiful pictures! would love to explore asia. maybe it's in my future.
