"The aim of life is to LIVE, and to live means to be AWARE, joyously, drunkenly, serenly, divinely AWARE."
- Miller

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We decided to do it the way the rest of the 20 something year old back packers do and travel at night by taxi, foot, bus and catamaran to our next destination, Ko Samui. 15 hours later and just a little worse for the wear we arrived at this lovely small island in the south China Sea. The Free House (luxury bungalow, ha, ha) has been our home away from home for the past 6 days. Samui is a crazy place where they drive on "the wrong side" of the road and motor scooters rule! We did the unthinkable and rented a jeep (which drove more like a tank) to maximize our beach hopping ability. Just imagine the steering wheel and manual shift opposite from what we're used to, motor scooters passing on both sides and bicycle carts everywhere, and then throw in a few pot holes and very narrow streets to boost up the excitement. Oh yeah I forgot to mention our maiden voyage was at night. Needless to say we had a blast. Not sure about all the locals we scared to death along the way. We found an open air market in the town of Lamai. It was a bit intimidating but irresistible, so throwing caution to the wind we dove right in sampling the local fare. Fresh grilled fish, grilled chicken, rice and banana wrapped in banana leaves and the most delicious Thai spring rolls. The rest of the days were spent going from amazing beach to amazing beach, listening to all the Euro's (mostly French) and of course eating. Even had the Thai version of a Margarita pizza (still waiting to see if that was a good idea although Carin has a bit of the Bangkok belly). Otherwise all is well from the Small Travelers. We love the comments so keep them coming.


  1. Sounds like a blast!! More pictures! Miss and Love you!

  2. Ok...so let me get this straight...You are out there gallivanting around the world, driving jeeps into people on motor scooters, shirking all of your responsibilities like a couple of college kids? Do you know what I am doing? I am sitting in my office, staring at the telephone, waiting for that phone call from my brother. You know the one... "Hey Chi Chi, what are we doing for lunch? How about a little Chicken-EE-Licken?" But the phone never rings. It's sad. It's very very sad. You've had your fun now...you've proven that you can be a bigshot world traveler...now just come home already. I'M STARVING OVER HERE!!! Just kidding. I'm only a little hungry. Your trip sounds great. I can't wait to see more of your pictures and read more about your adventures. Take care and have fun.


  3. Oh you crazy kids you, I really think you could have made this little adventure epic status if you 2 had actually rented the scooters keep that in mind for next time! Besides that love the stories, love the pictures, love you!!!! P.S. looked at the pictures and my only comment is COOL swimsuit dad I am sure that thing was more scary than your driving!

  4. I think it's really all about the food; love the photos of plentiful eats even if some look a bit suspect. We miss you already, and by the way the Teschners did rent the scooters on their trip.

  5. So as you are playing in Southeast Asia we thought you might like to know that Orton just threw 3 interceptions in the first half against San Francisco in the first pre-season game! At least you don't have to watch it. Your travels sound alot more fun than watching
    this game.
    On a sad note we put Angie down yesterday.
    Miss you guys,
    Love Lisa and Dave

  6. Love every post. I can see you there.


  7. After reading about your KL side-trip, I somehow think this could be the beginning of your off-track adventures. The pictures are divine and you both look so alive!!!!

    love you!!!
